A Comprehensive Guide To Streamlining Transportation With A Custom Logistics App

Updated 01 Feb 2023
Published 30 Jan 2023
Nancy Bhargava 3252 Views
Custom Logistics App

The transportation industry is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced world. With the increasing demand for goods and services, the need for efficient and reliable logistics has never been greater.

In order to meet this demand, companies are turning to technology to help streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. Custom logistics app development is one such option.

In this blog, we will explore the steps necessary to build a logistics app that will help your transportation business run more smoothly and efficiently. From identifying your specific needs to choosing the right software, we’ll provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to develop an app that will help you stay ahead of the competition. 

Reasons to Develop a Logistic App

Reasons To Develop A Logistic App

Improved Communication and Coordination:

A logistic app can provide real-time communication and coordination between different stakeholders such as drivers, dispatchers, and customers. This can help to improve the flow of information and reduce delays, as well as improve overall customer service.

Enhanced Customer Service:

With real-time tracking and delivery updates, customers can stay informed about the status of their orders. This can help to improve customer service and satisfaction, as customers will feel more in control and informed about their deliveries.

Increased Visibility and Transparency:

A logistic app can provide real-time visibility into logistics operations, allowing for better decision-making and performance monitoring. This can help managers to identify problems and bottlenecks, and make adjustments as needed to improve efficiency and productivity.

Reduced Costs and Improved Profitability:

Improved efficiency and streamlined operations can help to reduce costs, and in turn, improve profitability. Automation and real-time monitoring can help to identify areas where cost savings can be made, such as reducing fuel consumption or reducing labor costs.

Custom Logistics App Development

Better Data and Analytics:

A logistic app can provide a wealth of data and analytics that can be used to improve logistics management. This includes the ability to analyze trends, patterns, and performance metrics. This can help managers to identify areas where improvements can be made and can help to improve decision-making.

Better Monitoring of Vehicles and Drivers:

A logistic app can be used to monitor vehicles and drivers for security, safety, and compliance. This can help to improve safety on the road and to ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Improved Compliance with Industry Regulations and Standards:

Real-time monitoring and reporting can help ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards, reducing the risk of fines or penalties for non-compliance and improving reputation and credibility within the industry.

The app can also automate the reporting process, which can help to reduce the risk of errors and omissions and make it easier to produce reports and audits on demand. 

Better Monitoring and Control of Inventory:

Logistic app can provide real-time monitoring of inventory levels and can be used to forecast demand, optimize routes, and plan deliveries. This can help to ensure that goods are delivered on time and in the right quantities, improving customer service and reducing costs.

Read Also: How to Develop a Driver App for your Delivery Business?

Transport and Logistics Industry Market Statistics (Worldwide)

The global transportation and logistics market is a large and rapidly growing industry. According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets.com, the global transportation and logistics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2022 to 2027, reaching a value of $13,326 billion by 2025.

Logistics Market Growth

The market is driven by the increasing demand for e-commerce and the need for the more efficient supply chain management.

In terms of different modes of transportation, the logistics and trucking segment dominates the market, accounting for around 35% of the total market share. The air transportation segment is also expected to grow at a significant rate due to the increasing demand for air freight services.

Geographically, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Asia-Pacific is expected to hold the largest share of the market, driven by the increasing demand for transportation and logistics services in countries such as China and India.

The logistics app market is currently worth $25.22 billion, thanks to the staggering rise in the number of companies adopting on-demand logistics app development. Moreover, the market is also witnessing the adoption of new technologies such as IoT, big data analytics, and AI which are expected to further drive the growth of the market.

Benefits of Logistic Mobile App

Benefits of Custom Logistics App

Real-time Tracking and Monitoring:

Allows customers, dispatchers, and logistics managers to track the location and status of deliveries in real-time, providing greater visibility and control over logistics operations.

Increased Efficiency:

Automated processes, real-time communication and coordination, and streamlined operations can help to improve efficiency and reduce costs, ultimately increasing profitability.

Real-time Notifications and Alerts:

A logistic mobile app can provide real-time notifications and alerts for different events, such as delivery status updates, low inventory levels, or route deviations. This feature allows logistics managers to take immediate action and prevent potential issues.

Increased Scalability:

A logistic mobile app can be used to manage logistics operations of any size, making it easy to adapt to changing business needs and market conditions.

Cost Savings:

Automation of logistics operations can reduce labor costs, and real-time monitoring can help to identify areas where cost savings can be made, such as reducing fuel consumption or reducing labor costs.

Integration with other Systems:

A logistic mobile app can be integrated with other systems such as GPS, inventory management, and financial systems, providing a comprehensive and streamlined view of logistics operations.

Mobile App Development Company

Features of Logistic App

User Panel:

Real-time Tracking

Uses the vehicle or driver’s GPS coordinates to give consumers a real-time look at where their package is in transit. This feature can also provide the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the delivery and an option to track the history of their deliveries.

Order Management

Provides a means for customers to place orders, monitor their status, and be alerted when their packages have been sent out or delivered. Customers can check the progress of their order, see any updates, and determine an approximate delivery date with this feature.

Delivery Scheduling

Deliveries can be arranged for a given time and day, and consumers can select from a variety of delivery options, including same-day, next-day, and scheduled delivery.

Payment Integration

Allows customers to pay for their orders using various payment methods such as credit cards, debit cards, or online payment gateways. This feature can also include the ability to save multiple payment methods for future use.

Push Notifications

The feature enables instantaneous communication between the company and its customers regarding the delivery process. The order status, the delivery status, and an ETA can all be sent via these alerts.

Ratings and Reviews

It would be beneficial for customers to have this feature within your application. This allows users to rank and review services, as well as provide input that can assist other customers.

how to create a logistics app

Driver’s App:


Drivers can sign up in the same way as users can, by making use of their already existing email addresses or social media profiles.

Manage requests

This function gives drivers the freedom to accept or decline orders at their discretion.

Make available or busy

Like a Do Not Disturb function, this allows drivers to indicate their availability for services through various means (such as identifying themselves as available or unavailable).

Consignment details

Obtaining information on the shipment to be delivered is a critical part that, if included in your app, will contribute to its success.


This is a must-have functionality to ensure timely deliveries to customers’ homes, as it shows the driver the most efficient path between their locations and their addresses.

Admin Panel:


All relevant user and vehicle data is clearly shown. The administrator has access to real-time information regarding both active and closed orders.

Transportation Management

The admin can add new cars for transport and update the current ones with updated information, pictures, etc., using this function.

Manage Invoices and Payments

The administrator will be able to create and modify invoices with this invoicing management feature. Moreover, the admin can oversee financial matters, including approving drivers’ payments and analyzing similar financial dealings.

Drivers Monitoring

This function is useful for organizing and allocating tasks to drivers and dispatchers, as well as keeping track of their on-the-road time, activities, and unfulfilled requests.

Feedback and Customer Support

With this functionality, the admin can track and respond to users’ requests for modifications or clarifications regarding the services and drivers.

Steps To Develop Logistics App Development

Logistics App Development

Identify the Problem or Need:

The first step in developing a logistics app is to identify the problem or need that the app will address. This could be a specific issue faced by a particular industry or a general problem faced by businesses that handle logistics.

Conduct Market Research:

Once the problem or need has been identified, conduct market research to understand the existing solutions and identify any gaps in the market that your app could fill.

Define the App’s Features and Functionality:

Based on market research, define the features and functionality that the app will have. This should include both core features and any additional features that would be useful to users.

Create a Wireframe or Prototype:

Create a wireframe or prototype of the app to give a visual representation of the app’s layout and functionality. This will help you to test the app’s usability and make any necessary changes before development begins.

Choose the Right Technology:

Choose the right technology stack for the app, such as programming languages, frameworks, and databases. It is important to choose the technology that best fits the app’s needs and also consider scalability in the future.

Develop and test the App:

Develop the app using the chosen technology stack and test it to ensure that it meets all the requirements and is free of bugs.

Deploy and maintain the App:

Once the app has been tested and is ready for release, deploy it to the app stores or to a web server. It is important to continue to maintain and update the app to fix bugs, add new features, and ensure that it remains secure.

Marketing and Promoting the App:

After the app is released, it is important to promote the app and make it visible to the target audience. Use various marketing channels such as social media, influencer marketing, and press releases to increase the app’s visibility.

What Technologies Power Logistics App Development?

Logistics app development typically uses a variety of technologies, including:

Programming Languages:

Commonly used programming languages for logistics app development include Java, Python, and C#. These languages are popular because they are versatile, have large developer communities, and have libraries and frameworks that can be used to speed up development.

Technologies Power Logistics App Development

Mobile Development Frameworks:

To create a logistics app for mobile devices, developers typically use frameworks such as React Native, Xamarin, or Flutter. These frameworks allow developers to create cross-platform apps that can run on both iOS and Android devices.

Database Management Systems:

A database management system is needed to store, retrieve, and manipulate the data. Commonly used databases include MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.

Cloud Computing:

Logistics apps often require real-time tracking and monitoring of goods, which can be resource-intensive. Cloud computing platforms such as AWS, Azure, and GCP provide scalable and cost-effective solutions to handle this type of workload.

Cost to Develop a Logistic App

The cost to develop a logistics app can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the app’s features, the technology stack used, and the developer’s experience and location. Some of the key factors that influence the cost of developing a logistics app include:

App complexity: The more features and functionality the app has, the more expensive it will be to develop.

Platform: Developing an app for both iOS and Android will be more expensive than developing for just one platform.

Development team: The cost of a development team can vary widely depending on the team’s location, experience, and size.

Third-party services: If the app uses third-party services, such as payment gateway, mapping APIs, or cloud storage, the cost of these services will need to be factored into the overall cost.

As a rough estimate, developing a basic logistics app with minimal features could cost around $20,000 – $50,000, while a more complex app with additional features and functionality could cost upwards of $100,000 or more.

However, it is important to note that these are rough estimates and the actual cost will depend on the app’s specific requirements and features. 

Why Do Dome Logistic Apps Fail?

There are several reasons why some logistics apps fail:

Lack of market research:

Some logistics apps fail because they were developed without conducting proper market research. This can result in an app that does not meet the needs of its target audience or that is not competitive with existing solutions.

logistics app development guide

Poor user experience:

If an app is difficult to use or has a poor user interface, it is likely to fail. Logistics apps are often used in fast-paced, high-pressure environments, so it is crucial that they are easy to use and provide the information users need quickly and easily.

Limited marketing and promotion:

Even if an app is well-designed and useful, it will not be successful if it is not marketed effectively. A lack of promotion and visibility can result in low user adoption and ultimately app’s failure.

Security concerns:

Logistics apps often deal with sensitive information and need to be secure, if an app does not have proper security measures in place, it may fail due to data breaches or other security issues.

Lack of Adaptability:

If an app is not able to adapt to changing market conditions or new technologies, it will become outdated and lose relevance.

How Does a Logistics Mobile App Generate Revenue?

Revenue of Logistics Mobile App

There are several ways that a logistics mobile app can generate revenue, including:

Subscription-Based Model:

A logistics app can charge users a recurring fee to access the app’s features and functionality. This could be a monthly or annual subscription.

Freemium Model:

An app can be offered for free, but charge for premium features or additional functionality. This can be a powerful way to attract a large user base and then monetize the app by charging for advanced features.


A logistics app can generate revenue by displaying ads within the app. This could be done through a third-party advertising platform or by creating custom advertising packages for businesses.

Third-Party Services:

This revenue model involves offering third-party services within the app, such as transportation, warehousing, and insurance. This can be an effective way to generate revenue for apps that have a large user base and can leverage the app’s user data for better service provision.

Future of Logistics App Development

As the world becomes increasingly connected, the logistics industry is faced with new opportunities and challenges. The future of logistics app development lies in leveraging new technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide a better customer experience.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are set to revolutionize logistics operations, automating tasks, predicting demand, optimizing routes, and improving decision-making. With the help of IoT sensors and devices, logistics companies will have access to real-time data, allowing for more efficient operations and improved customer service.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) will be used for training logistics employees, simulating logistics scenarios, and improving the customer experience. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) will automate repetitive logistics tasks, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. 

The future of logistics app development is an exciting one, filled with new technologies and opportunities. As logistics companies embrace these new technologies, they will be able to provide better service, increase efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.

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How Can Arka Softwares Help You To Develop A Fleet Management App?

Arka Softwares is a software development company that’s dedicated to creating innovative solutions for businesses. With a team of experts in the field, we can assist you in creating a fleet management app that will take your logistics operations to the next level.

Our process begins with understanding your unique needs and requirements for the app. We’ll take into account your business processes, the type of fleet you manage, and the features you need in the app. Once the requirements are clear, we’ll design the app, creating a wireframe or prototype that will give you a visual representation of the app’s layout and functionality.

When it comes to development, Arka Softwares is dedicated to using the latest technologies to create an app that’s fast, reliable, and easy to use. 

Deployment and maintenance are also key parts of the process, and Arka Softwares will take care of deploying the app to the app stores or to a web server and provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the app remains secure and up-to-date. 

In short, Arka Softwares can help you create a fleet management app that is tailored to your specific needs and will make managing your fleet more efficient, effective, and profitable.


Developing a logistics app can greatly improve transportation efficiency by streamlining the coordination and communication between different parties involved in the supply chain. With the help of technology, transportation logistics can be optimized and automated, leading to cost savings, improved delivery times, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a logistics app that will take your transportation operations to the next level. Let’s build the future of transportation, together!

FAQs related to Custom Logistics App

Nancy Bhargava

Nancy works as an IT consulting professional with Arka Softwares. She has an in-depth knowledge of trending tech and consumer affairs. She loves to put her observations and insights of the industry to reveal interesting stories prompting the latest domain practice and trends.

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Client Testimonials

Mayuri Desai

Mayuri Desai


The app quickly earned over 1,000 downloads within two months of launch, and users have responded positively. ARKA Softwares boasted experienced resources who were happy to share their knowledge with the internal team.

Abdullah Nawaf

Abdullah Nawaf


While the development is ongoing, the client is pleased with the work thus far, which has met expectations. ARKA Softwares puts the needs of the client first, remaining open to feedback on their work. Their team is adaptable, responsive, and hard-working.

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Service Provider

I started my project with Arka Softwares because it is a reputed company. And when I started working with them for my project, I found out that they have everything essential for my work. The app is still under development and but quite confident and it will turn out to be the best.
