How Mobile Apps are Transforming the Education Industry?

Updated 16 Feb 2024
Published 16 Jul 2020
Rahul Mathur 2337 Views

In simple words, an e-learning mobile application is a software program that works as a learning facilitator for the user so that they can go through the learning resources and educate themselves on their preferred time and location with the help of mobile apps.

It bridges the gap between the user and conventional studying methods and caters to a learning platform for the user.

To better comprehend it, have a glance at the latest educational apps for better understanding.

Market Overview of online education

  • 64% of trainees prefer to access their education content using a smartphone only.
  • 89% of mobile learners download several applications, at least, 50% of which are for self-learning.
  • 46% of users use mobile for training or self-learning before hitting the bed.
  • The count of smartphones only customers (27%) has soared, now leaving behind pc only customers (14%).
  • 71% of learners proclaimed that they grasp effectively with studying on a smartphone than training facilitated via pc or conventional ways.
  • A common user dedicates 2 hours and 51 minutes to their mobile everyday day.
  • Mobile application users finish their assignments and course 45% quicker than PC loyalists.
E-learning market size
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Advantages of Mobile Apps in Learning

Educational applications have transformed the old traditional methods of education, it motivated learners to excel and get higher scores as compared to the scores they got when they were taught by the old conventional way, and also pupils were able to equip themselves with key skills to enhance their performance when it comes to assignments and projects.

In case of any confusion or queries, the E-learning application serves the option for the students to confirm and comprehend their queries quickly as the app caters multiple alternatives to make the students learn and understand easily.

Hence these applications are quite beneficial for the learners and all education sector, so we have listed down a few major advantages a learner comes across by using these e-learning apps.

1. E-Courses, learning resources, and assignments:

These online learning applications are one of the most sought medium to learn because of the numerous advantages associated with it e.g., it is quite cost-effective otherwise one has to spend a hefty amount on expensive books and on other learning resources.

These learning applications provide a platform for students in order to access their course content via mobile application in a quite simple manner and also look for different learning materials and resources on the same platform.

2. Self-Evolution (step by step instructions):

Within the conventional learning system, it is no less than challenging to confirm whether the learner is engaged in the class or not.

So, smartphone applications aid the learners by facilitating multiple learning resources from the application’s accumulated knowledge store and students can always engage with the app in order to make the session more interactive.

3. Resources at your tap:

The strength of this virtual educational platform lies in the constant evolution of the apps that are replete with E-Books, and learning resources.

This quality of this avenue has made it a niche platform for seeking learners. The potential of this avenue offers its hand to learners who cannot pursue full-time education in schools or colleges.

4. Round The Clock Availability:

As this application platform is online so the learners and guardians can always access the learning material at any time, and the learners can start their sessions as per their convenience. One doesn’t need to reach a particular location as well.

5. Quick Updates:

Mobile apps which are associated with the education sector do not limit themselves to just learning, these are an amazing platform to know the latest updates, events, examinations date sheets and also employment updates too.

Also used to stay the latest updates from campus occasions, exam timetables, job notifications, and some other latest information regarding education.

The E-learning application also offers students to fetch the latest updates in the education industry in seconds..

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Reasons for the popularity of Educational Apps

1. Immeasurable Learning:

What’s interesting about mobile apps is you can learn as much as you want. No matter where you are, all you need to do is open the online tutor app and start exploring. Textbook learning has now become the thing of the past, m-learning is now trending.

With these apps, your education is not restricted to textbook content, it’s more than that. These e-learning apps help in enhancing skills and having a better future.

2. Minimizes the Space Between Guardian and Tutor:

With hectic schedules, it gets hard to have to visit regular communication among teachers and parents. Additionally, it is hard to keep up affinity through physical associations. With instructive applications, things are extraordinary.

You can cooperate with one another while sitting at home. Parents can raise inquiries and teachers can in a flash react to them. So regardless of where you will be, you can know the understudy’s advancement from any place.

Top M-Learning Apps Ruling the Education Industry

Top mLearning Apps in Education Industry

1. Udemy:

Udemy is an online educational platform that provides a comprehensive range of courses to learners in very precise and simplified videos.

Udemy comprises courses for software developers, for self-learning and grooming, how to market content, how to start a perfect small yet profitable venture, how to play piano, and so on.

2. Khan Academy:

Khan Academy is a cost-free e-learning platform that is absolutely open to the learners without any charges, Khan Academy provides free access for elementary courses and specific subjects like Maths, Science, Biology, etc.

It caters to a catalog of more than 10K video recordings with comprehension and examples, approximately forty thousand engaging exercises, and a lot of other tips as well within quick succession.

3. Duolingo:

It takes a lot of patience and persistence in order to acquire proficiency in a non-native language and designing an app to learn another language seems like a complicated task!

Hence the Duolingo application deserves kudos for doing the same, Using the language learning app Duolingo one can get proficient in a foreign language.

It allows the students to hone their skills by practicing the new language while playing quite engaging language games within the Duolingo application.

4. GradeProof :

It is counted among the most popular and productive iOS smartphone apps to learn the art of writing almost perfectly. The application reviews one’s assignment in terms of grammar, vocabulary, readability and so on, Grade proof motivates the learners by honing their writing skills.

5. Amazon Kindle:

Over time with absolutely amazing creative commercials and clever branding it has become a palm-size library of the 21st generation.

It allows you to go through and choose among the widest range of bestselling magazines, biographies, self-help books, etc one can access anytime on your smartphone.

Another productive feature is, its in-application word glossary with the help of this glossary one doesn’t need to find the meaning of a specific term or word in your old school dictionary.

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Role of Mobile Apps in the Education Sector

Role of Education Apps in the mLearning Sector

Effortless Access:

There is no doubt that smartphone apps have transformed the structure and methodology of education for the better! The arrival of mobile learning apps has been a blessing for those who couldn’t pursue their dreams because of financial and geographical challenges.

Now any student can pursue his favourite course content and resources irrespective of the time and location. It has been no less than wonder for students who wanted to learn a specific course but couldn’t do the same as they couldn’t leave their small jobs being the only source of income.

Today, one can attend the sessions online and also go through it as per their job schedule.

No learning boundaries:

The biggest bonus of pursuing a course on a smartphone app is definitely the unlimited access to the courses, as far as learning is concerned there must be no restrictions to learning, and with this online avenue, one can do the same.

With this medium, one can always learn and improve the skills in a specific stream and can upgrade the skillset by choosing the advanced version of the same course in order to get proficient in his choice of stream.

Increase in engagement:

The traditional methodology of learning is on the verge of becoming obsolete! Nowadays, learners choose to learn by the virtual medium as it helps them to understand the subjects more comprehensively.

This stimulates the learner’s curiosity and assists them to comprehend and memorize in quick succession.

As per the e-learning industry analysts, advanced applied sciences such as (AI) and IMbots, Computerized Simulations, Cyberspace Simulated 3D environment,s etc. had no less than a revolutionary contribution to the Learning Industry.

The effect of brain training apps like lumosity has been so instrumental that a lot of colleges and learning centres are looking up to partner with an acclaimed software application developing business get the benefits of the current evolution.

Enhanced teamwork:

The business has not been merely focusing on learners as a target but also planning and designing different apps to cater the tutors and the schools, colleges too so that the study centers will be able to facilitate their students in the best manner.

Just for an instance, Teacher Kit is among the applications which have empowered tutors to simply preserve or save different records like, Test scores, examination results, remarks etc. Also, tutors simply publish updates or news regarding any upcoming competitions or projects with their pupils.

Training modules for corporates:

Even corporate businesses would also be benefited from this arrival of mobile applications in the Education IndustryThe role of education apps in enterprises are helping the corporate to provide employees with access to the courses and resources they need to understand the business processes and perform in an efficient and effective way.

Support for multiple devices:

Smartphone apps are not merely dedicated to just one kind of device only, One can go through these apps on various hardware platforms – like computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Minimization in the learning costs:

These learning applications have busted a myth that says “Only the wealthy can afford the best”

One doesn’t have to loan his land in order to facilitate his kids the best education, one doesn’t need to pay a high fee to get an admission in an expensive college, no expenses on books and travel expenses, all one requires would be a smartphone, Internet facility and the rigour to learn.

Revenue Model:

The app revenue model is one of the most important parts of a dream project, this must be prepared before even starting the initial phase of any business.

In-application Commercials:

Including the In-application commercial in the application business simulation reflects that the app builder will get revenue for allowing commercials inside the application.

In order to do the same, the software engineer has to have a venture in accordance with an ad monetizing entity and incorporate their SDK (Software Development Kit) it is a kind of coding which must be aptly integrated into your existing application coding.

Information Monetizing:

Sharing the app surfer’s info doesn’t sound very promising and loyal in the initial stage but this is a dark truth that it is a legitimate avenue of earning. 

In case the application gathers data that could be worthy for the researchers, businesses or entities it could be a promising way to add to your app income.

Typically, this can be information about users’ devices, network type, location, IP address, etc. Of course, users need to be aware that their data can be passed to third parties, so it is important to openly provide this information in documentation such as Privacy Policy and Terms of Services.

Merchandising and generating leads:

If one has reached a stage wherein one has a considerable number of interactive clients, one must look up to merchandising and lead generating ways. 

Associates marketing is allowing commercials of other merchants in your application and getting a certain amount when your customers click on commercial and it leads into a sale.

Messages and Email commerce:

If one wants to propagate the application’s annual sales event or elaborate one’s business-to-business marketing, Short Message Services and Email publishing process are among the relying ways to do the same.

These tools will not become your main sources of revenue but they can help you boost your app and generate more sales. While emails allow being very descriptive, use lots of images and text, SMS are short and straight to the point.

Paid Application:

There are numerous applications in the app catalogues which are absolutely free to use. Nevertheless, still, there is a way to market paid applications which one has to buy to use the application.

Afterwards paying, a customer gets an application with maximum options and attributes available which allows the user to use the app on several different gadgets.

Application reviewing Model:

In order to fetch an amazing review, an application must be high-performing, possess high-end options and has to be way better than contemporaries to get positive customer feedback.

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Some Frequently Asked Questions

Q1- What is the education app?

A- A learning application, in layman terms, could be described as a studying app that works as facilitator platform for the students it allows them to pursue their education, advanced courses anywhere irrespective of time and location.

Q2- Why are educational apps crucial?

A- The smartphone apps have revolutionized the conventional studying mechanism by innovating an advanced mechanism which has excelled in the terms of adaptability and involvement.

It has powered the students to learn and achieve their goals defying the norms of schools, libraries, colleges and study centers. All a student must have a passion to learn, that’s it.

Q3- Do educational apps improve learning?

Of-course, the e-learning application apps are equipped with the advanced technologies like Artificial intelligence that observes and examine the learners attributes and cater learners with an individualised studying resources, eventually, it improves their learning aptitude and results.

Q4- How can apps help students?

A- A smartphone application allows a student to flex his brain muscles and learn in a more personalized manner a couple of ways are below are-

  • 24×7 access to education
  • Virtual learning
  • Customized classes
  • Engaging study material
  • Quick access to degrees, etc.

Q5- How Artificial Intelligence has transformed learning?

A- The customized learning has been promising and easy to comprehend the way of learning. The A.I. comprises of brain nerve cells transmission, organic linguistic process and virtual reality process assist to enhance one’s own learning procedure.

It serves to review an individual’s capabilities and avail itself to store hefty data records and reviews which afterwards could be properly maintained by the respective institutions and study centres.

Its strength lies in its cognition to explore and funnel down the preferred course material of the associated subject from the app relying on the key activities of the user on the application.

It is able to perceive on basis of an individual’s surfing choices and location if there are some inputs that have been tipped from the program itself or not.

Hence this ends in supporting the tutors to excavate more cognitive information or could result in enhancing the structure of the content in order to make it more simplified for the student to grasp and comprehend.

However, through the application of AI, pupils would sense more at expertise when it evolves to building errors that are necessary for them in class to learn great.

Moreover, within the application of Artificial Intelligence, students would also receive the constant reminders that they need in order to develop.

Rahul Mathur

Rahul Mathur is the founder and managing director of ARKA Softwares, a company renowned for its outstanding mobile app development and web development solutions. Delivering high-end modern solutions all over the globe, Rahul takes pleasure in sharing his experiences and views on the latest technological trends.

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Client Testimonials

Mayuri Desai

Mayuri Desai


The app quickly earned over 1,000 downloads within two months of launch, and users have responded positively. ARKA Softwares boasted experienced resources who were happy to share their knowledge with the internal team.

Abdullah Nawaf

Abdullah Nawaf


While the development is ongoing, the client is pleased with the work thus far, which has met expectations. ARKA Softwares puts the needs of the client first, remaining open to feedback on their work. Their team is adaptable, responsive, and hard-working.

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Pedro Paulo Marchesi Mello

Service Provider

I started my project with Arka Softwares because it is a reputed company. And when I started working with them for my project, I found out that they have everything essential for my work. The app is still under development and but quite confident and it will turn out to be the best.
